Joe rogan roxane gay takes

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Wendy Zukerman labels Spotify’s defense of Rogan as ‘a slap in the face.India Arie takes off her Spotify content.Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock lauds Rogan for his ‘perfectly articulated’ video reply.Trevor Noah shares his thoughts on ‘The Daily Show’.Mary Trump takes off her and decides to be ‘part of a growing avalanche’.More than 93K people join hands to sign a petition against Rogan.Writer Roxane Gay takes off her podcast, while Brené Brown stays ‘hopeful’ hers will come back next week.Sharon Stone, AIDS activist slams Rogan.Crosby, Stills Nash, and Young release a collaborative statement to Spotify.White House appreciates Spotify disclaimer being a ‘positive step’.Spotify CEO elucidates the company’s stance on Rogan its employees.Spotify fears lesser growth in the number of subscribers during the next quarter.Jon Stewart claims Rogan ‘overreaction’ is ‘a mistake’.The Rock withdraws his support for Rogan.Spotify CEO says Rogan’s racial slurs were upsetting, but he doesn’t think Joe should be silenced.Andrew Yang, a politician make an apology for Rogan justification.Rumble tries to pull Joe Rogan away from Spotify.

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