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' So since you need to be kept under strict surveillance I can't think of a more perfect place to know where you're at & what you're doing than making you my New Seat Cushion! Oh, don't worry. ' Since, u've been such a Pain my Families & my's Ass's since Day One I think it's only poetic you meet mine! ' David laughs shaking his Butt at Rumple's Tiny Body. David bounds Rumple in a Magical Light making him float up towards a telephone pole & then teleoports right in front of him w/his Giant Jean Clad Bubble Butt facing Rumple. So David decides since Rumple's been such a Pain in the Ass since he meet him for his Family & Friends he should be under his. David was really Pissed w/ Gold to the point where he could kill him but, heroes don't kill! Although, it doesn't say anywhere about Heroes don't take prisoners. After, a series of trials David becomes the Light One but, finds the amount of power made him Grow 30' tall! After, David strips Rumple of his Dark One Powers permanently.

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David proved to strong to become Evil so easy. In an Alternate universe / timeline 6'ft tall David Nolan a.k.a Prince Charming becomes the 1st Ever ' Light One ' that's a Magical Wizard stronger than any that have ever lived before including Rumplestiltskin The Dark One a.k.a Mr.Gold & Merlin! Rumple tried to stop this from happening by manipulating David into doing a Deed to Darken his Heart Forever but, failed.

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